Months ago, and in line with our agenda of brave together, we came up with this theme, then the virus hit and it became even more relevant. This issue our writers explore brand partnerships, creating communities, gaming and streaming, how humanity can build back better, hollow brands and cultural change, how togetherness comes from our differences, the future for sports entertainment, and how we restore consumer confidence. Be brave and stay safe. Michael Piggott, Editor
How successful partnerships allow brands to be both refreshingly original and reassuringly familiar at the same time. By Katie Ewer, Head of Strategy at JKR Singapore (5 MINS)
'We are here for you' is not a strategy. Engaging customers through content and community is, says Digital Strategy Advisor and Society New York board member Perry Hewitt (5 MINS)
With reference to Coca-Cola, Red Bull, McDonald's and Twitch, The Value Engineers' Simon Stokes explores the rise of streaming and gaming; and what brands should think about post-coronavirus (7 MINS)
Is building loyalty with customers the key to withstanding global shocks? Business Lead: Our Planet at WWF, Rhiannon Shah, investigates (10 MINS)
'The new generation reveals to us an alternative definition of togetherness that comes from difference and contradictions rather than sameness', write Freeda UK's Jo Lyall and Livity's Katy Woodrow Hill (7 MINS)
How do we re-establish consumer confidence in people likely to be scared of getting together in cafes, cinemas and pubs? Asks Harbour Collective's Strategy Partner Kevin Chesters (5 MINS)
'To think of COVID-19 as a terrible disease is to underestimate its impact. It’s a disruption which has acted as a catalyst for a new era defined by responsibility.' Kantar UK's Dom Boyd on a new era of leadership (7 MINS)
'Sport... for millions it provides an escape, not to mention a sense of belonging and community.' Leo Burnett Sport + Entertainment's Liam Hopkins on the future for sports entertainment behind closed doors (5 MINS)